Tensegrity, tensional integrity or floating compression, is a structural principle based on the use of isolated components in compression inside a net of continuous tension, in such a way that the compressed members (usually bars or struts) do not touch each other and the pre stressed tensioned members (usually cables or tendons) delineate the system spatially.
Clients - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, International Center for Theoretical Sciences.
The sculpture comprised of individual 3 strut elements. These elements had two triangles on either side. So each element's triangle was mounted upon the previous one to form a star of David. The length of tensile fishing line were varied accordingly (longer on one side and shorter on the other two) to get the curve required while making the form. The completed form. A free flowing curved arch made using tensegrity that stands on its own, without any external support or suspension.
Materials Used - Aluminium Pipes, Fishing Wire, Plastic Pipes

Each pipe was hand painted using permanent marker Ink and cotton. Dual colours were used layer by layer to give a metallic, dual tone pearlescent effect

The Plastic Rods were turned on the lathe to create small caps with slits that are then inserted onto the ends of the aluminium rods. These slits are used to tie the fishing line or to insert tensile fishing lines from other elements.

Me adjusting lengths and looping over the caps to get the desired wire lengths and tension
The sculpture comprised of individual 3 strut elements. These elements had two triangles on either side. So each element's triangle was mounted upon the previous one to form a star of david of sorts.

Sudeep holding an individual three strut element.

The length of tensile fishing line were varied accordingly (longer on one side and shorter on the other two)
to get the curve required while making the form.
to get the curve required while making the form.
A completed simple arch.

The final joint
The completed form. A free flowing curved arch made using tensegrity that stands on its own
At the exhibition
In Press

A Special Thanks to Sudipto and Nandini, our facilitators incharge, for their valuable inputs.
A Special thanks to all fellow students of Srishti who helped make our sculpture achive its completion.
A Special thanks to all fellow students of Srishti who helped make our sculpture achive its completion.