Tensegrity, tensional integrity or floating compression, is a structural principle based on the use of isolated components in compression inside a net of continuous tension, in such a way that the compressed members (usually bars or struts) do not touch each other and the pre stressed tensioned members (usually cables or tendons) delineate the system spatially.
Clients - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, International Center for Theoretical Sciences.
Brief - Use the concept of tensegrity to create interactive pieces of exhibits for The Mathematics of Planet Earth exhibition to take place in Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum, Bangalore.
The Exhibit - Using Tension and its load bearing capabilities to create forms such as pieces of furniture that can take human weight. Used simple low cost materials to create a DIY method for building Tensegrity furniture
Materials used - Neem wood , wood pegs and Poly Propelene rope Method - I begin with this basic triangular form where in one end of each strut passes through a length of rope from another strut. This was done for one end of each of the three struts. Then a rope is passed along all three extended edges and a single pull point is used to make the structure rise upwards and form a three dimensional tensegrity. This gave me a form that was relatively flexible upon human weight(due to the flexibility of poly propelene rope). And would sort of compress and give a spring like feel, good for seating purposes. The wooden struts wood never touch each other, even with added weight.
Method - I begin with this basic triangular form where in one end of each strut passes through a length of rope from another strut. This done for one end of each of the three struts. Then a rope is passed along all three extendeded edges and a single pull point is used to make the structure rise upwards and form a three dimensional tensegrity.
Metal cable and wood to test structural strength with other materials
Comfort and Ergonomics
Using fabric with pockets to create a dismantle able tensegrity stool which is comfortable. A triangular piece of canvas with pockets at each vertex that slips onto the ends of each strut. a length of rope is passed along the perimeter inside the fabric for durability. The upper triangle formed by the rope(in the structure) is kept at a distance under the seat as it tends to bite into the thigh due to its high tension. This leads to a very comfortable seat while keeping the tensegrity.
Using fabric with pockets to create a dismantle able tensegrity stool which is comfortable. A triangular piece of canvas with pockets at each vertex that slips onto the ends of each strut. a length of rope is passed along the perimeter inside the fabric for durability. The upper triangle formed by the rope(in the structure) is kept at a distance under the seat as it tends to bite into the thigh due to its high tension. This leads to a very comfortable seat while keeping the tensegrity.
A Pentagonal stool - A Tensegrity stool with 5 struts using the same method
Featured in Wikispaces - Tensegrity
A Special Thanks to Sudipto and Nandini, our facilitators incharge, for their help and valuable inputs.